Friday, September 9, 2011

Okay, I have been neglecting this. This is a serious post, and anything herein may be taken as the opinion of the writer.

I have been following the Republican Presidential candidates debates and such a bit, no surprise there, as most people do to an extent at least. When the lineup was first forming I was in favor of Mitch Daniels, but when he announced he was not running I started looking at the other candidates. I finally settled on Rick Santorum, due to his all around conservative stance, not that I really consider myself a conservative. What do I consider myself? A complicated question, that, and one that I really don't know the answer to myself. I know what I believe on the various issues but not what to call the result. I tend to vote conservative but the tag doesn't quite seem to fit me. Anyway, back on subject. I have continued to watch the other candidates, and Ron Paul, who at first struck me as a bit nuts, makes more sense every time I see his posts. But Rick Perry, from the time he entered the race, has struck me as the most likely nominee. certainly not the best one, my third pick after Santorum and Paul would be Newt Gingrich, but the one that everyone is going to compromise on in hopes of beating Obama. Anyway, that's what I think at this time.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Kingdom of the Seven Rivers

.This realm shall henceforth be known as the Kingdom of the Seven Rivers.

The Kingdom shall be organized as follows:

The King is the Head of State and Head of Government. Except where specifically stated otherwise, all power and authority is vested in the person of the King.

The State Religion shall be the Anglican Church of the Seven Rivers.

To be continued...

Monday, March 7, 2011


All right, I think that I will use this primarily for my own amusement as a vent for my overly active imagination and as a sounding board for hairbrained ideas to see just how hairbrained they really are. I may also write seriously about things from time to time, but anything that I really mean will be clearly marked as such. This is primarily for myself, but anyone unlucky enough to stumble across it may feel free to read and comment as they please. However, any attempt to construe anything out of anything I do not specifically say is either fact or my opinion will result in the offending person being crushed, skewered, drawn, quartered, impaled, and anything else my chief of secret police may deem necessary!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


This is an experiment. I don't know if I will use this much, if at all, and do not know exactly what I will write about.